


This session will allow you to learn and get in contact with your annual energies to be able to develop all the potential that is around you and also surpass any possible obstacle thay you might have to face in order to move foward on your personal development this year.
The session is also based on important questions that the person needs to ask.


This is a love encounter with  Angeles and  Archangeles who will give you help and spiritual guidance at this time in your life . You wil be allowed  to ask three questions. One Angel will descend to answer each question and will give the message you need as well as the necessary guide for each situation.


In an Akashic Record Consultation your angels, guides and  Spiritual Masters will talk to you from the vibration of love for your personal evolution.

It is very interactive and  based on your questions.It is not predictive. They give you all the information you need to make the appropriate choices to create your future. A consultation deals with the here and now to help you create your future. You will also receive insight as to what blocks you may have that prevent you from being all you can be. If future is indicated or mentioned it is in probabilities or possibilities, because there are many. Rarely  it  is absolute because we are on a planet of free will choice -- meaning the choices we make today create our future.


absolute privacy
This is an important experience that requires maximun confort.



Sirian Council in communion with humanity in transition:

We are addressing you to assist in this active process on Earth where human beings are begining to see unique transformations never seen or experienced before.
The duality game will soon finish and you will only see bare souls in their infinite and profound essence of universal love.
You will understand the purpose of being here at this moment on Earth and how to play the last part of this transition.
Gradually you will see, you will feel and you will allow to manifest the innevitable process of trasmutation and evolution that will cover all aspects of your being.
Avoid to give energy to drama, fear and separation. They have no more power  of manifestation in this new paradigm.
Unite with your hearts and send the most beautiful, pure and enourmous light your hearts have never irradated before.
You are lighthouses in every sense of the word. You are eternally accompanied and sustained from the highest dimensions of God.

Blessings in love and peace.

Channel Cecilia Alfonso
April 13, 2011